Hello again everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful summer.
I am updating my Upcoming Events page so please check it out.
You will see that an important focus for me this year is MENTAL HEALTH. The more I learn about mental health and mental health issues, the more I realize that we all can DO something about the mental health of children and adults with autism or other learning or developmental issues, as well as for ourselves and for everyone with whom we interact. I have developed workshops that focus on this topic with practical ideas of things we can DO right now that promote mental health and things we can all STOP DOING that may be having an negative impact on mental health. As always, my focus is educational (not medical or psychiatric ) and is designed to help us, regardless of our roles, help make the world a better place for children and adults with autism or anyone else.
We all know that mental health is as essential as physical health for a successful life where we can strive to fulfill our potential and have satisfying relationships with others. We also have seen in the news what can happen when we do not recognize and address the mental health needs of children and adults in our society.
So lets get started! I will help you learn how to start promoting mental health every day for yourself and others!
Keep in touch and as always, contact me if I can be of help.