Creating Lifetime Plans: Knowing Where You Want to Go and Making a Successful Plan to Get There!
A Lifetime Plan is a process through which everyone who is committed to being a part of the life of a person with special needs comes together to create a vision for the person’s future. When everyone agrees on the best possible life that can be envisioned for a person, it becomes easier to work in harmony with each other. It becomes easier for families to explain to others what is important to them. Teams can then choose and implement goals and strategies that are most likely to result in the acquisition of the skills needed to live a successful life, as described in the plan.
Participants will learn:
how to stop being afraid of lifetime planning and learn to love it!
the importance of lifetime planning throughout the life span of individuals with developmental disabilities and other special needs
components of the lifetime plan
strategies for the lifetime planning process
communication ideas to enhance lifetime planning
resources for Lifetime Planning